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Nurturing my mental health.

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Nurturing my mental health.

When Clarisa began struggling with her mental health, the first step in her journey to healing was to overcome her shame and a culture of silence.

Clarisa realized something was wrong when she began to have thoughts of suicide and no longer wanted to do the things she loved.

She felt ashamed, and did not want to burden her husband by sharing her struggles. "I was taught in my culture — African American culture — that we don't go to therapists, what goes on in the house stays in the house, no matter what it is. That you don't talk about these things to anyone but your preacher."

“The words ‘mental health’ are secretive, because in my generation we were taught not to talk about it.”

Seeking Help

Clarisa decided to talk to someone when her primary care physician asked her what was going on. She opened up to him. 

"It was scary," she says. "I felt like a little girl going before her dad to confess something that she did wrong."

Clarisa's doctor encouraged her to see a therapist who could walk her through the steps of healing. "When I first saw my therapist, it was refreshing, it was scary, it was invigorating. It freed me, because she was there for me." When she left the therapist, she felt lighter because she'd been able to share things she'd never told anyone before. 

For Clarisa, getting treatment for her mental health led to more family time, more game nights and a closer relationship with her husband.

"I'm seen now. I want to be seen. I'm not hiding because I think that what's in me is ugly."

Mental Health Resources

If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, get help right away. You can reach the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by calling 800-273-8255 or by visiting their website.

BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina also provides resources on mental health

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BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina is spotlighting people and organizations across the state. We want to hear about what matters most to you and how you're pursuing better health for yourself or your community. Share your story with us for a chance to be featured on our website and social media.

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