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Healing the hurt with compassionate care.

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Healing the hurt with compassionate care.

With the support of BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina, the Hive is able to help survivors of physical and sexual abuse in South Carolina.

The Hive Community Circle is a survivor-led, survivor-driven support organization helping women and girls in South Carolina overcome the trauma of sexual assault, intimate partner violence and stalking. They are on a mission to provide unwavering support and compassion to the most impacted, yet most underserved survivors in SC.

Ashley Thomas, the Hive's founder and executive director, describes the Hive as a culturally-specific peer advocacy organization. The organization seeks not only to provide services offered by other agencies in South Carolina, but also to advance those services to ensure that they remove barriers so that all survivors have the opportunity to truly heal and lead a self-sufficient life.

"They're worthy of living a life where they can experience healing, where they can experience joy, where they can experience love, safety and wellness. That's not something that they have to earn. It's something that should be given to them on a daily, regular basis."

The Need for Culturally-Specific Services

Thomas explains that while we are all human beings, how we process trauma is impacted by our membership in different ethnic groups and communities. By centering the needs of people who are marginalized, the Hive hopes to provide equitable services for everyone. 

The Hive Community Circle provides a variety of culturally-competent support services, including financial assistance, counseling and bilingual advocacy.

Learn more about the Hive on their website or donate today to support their vital work.

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